Refurbishing a facade on the narrowest street in Barcelona

How do you restore a 16th century facade on the narrowest street in Barcelona? OK, yes. It is a facade on a building with great historical value and this is complex enough. Added to this is the fact that the building opposite is only one metre and 47 centimetres away at the narrowest point of the street, which complicates any intervention.

The main difficulty has been to introduce the appropriate scaffolding to the street for the renovation of this building, which is located very close to the Church of Santa Maria del Mar. The versatility of XMA Architecture allows to carry out actions like this and to solve the typical problems that can arise in architectural interventions in a historical districh such as Born of Barcelona.

Respecting colors, techniques and materials

The refurbishment of the building on Carrer de les Mosques has consisted of rebuilding the damaged elements. Always keeping the original colors of the building, following the techniques of that time and using the same materials. The building has a residential use and elements such as railings have been maintained, after the anchors were rebuilt.

Go on foot!

It’s said that a Seat 600 once managed to cross the whole street, that measures less than a meter and a half wide, and the vehicle was still 4 centimeters wide. But now, if you want to get a closer look at this intervention, you will have to walk in!