We are architects of better life

Every project our team work on is extremely significant to us, because the quality of life of people depend on how well done is the project. Our architects do not work for buildings, we work for people. The most important for us is a person’s wellbeing and safety, of course.

As architects we could create amazing opportunities for our clients and completed “impossible” requests, because we like challenges. They make us grow and become stronger.

We have an international living and working abroad experience. Thanks to our flexibility, knowledge of several languages and cultures, we can adapt to each client and perfectly understand their needs.

Our team of architects and managers work efficiently in the whole process of the project’s development and we strictly require the same from the people who work with us.

architecture services



co-founder, architect with license nr. 61212-1

  • 6 years architecture degree in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ETSAV) in 2008, Barcelona.
  • Special mention End of Degree Project “Center cultural Fabra i Coats” (2008)
  • CISOL solar workshop, participation in seminar of the center for solar research and sustainability (2006)
  • Postgraduate in Rehabilitation implemented at Escola Sert of the Official College of Architects of Catalonia, Total hours: 140 (2011)


co-founder, architect with license nr. 74112-4

  • 6 years architecture degree in Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in 2008, Barcelona.
  • Erasmus enriching international experience in Ferrara, Italy. 
  • Participation in the “Restauro” refurbishment project.
  • International experience of looking for the opportunities and broadening my horizons in London for 15 months.
  • Founder of the business company Kakdoma BCN (www.kakdomabcn.com)
  • Development of a new “BVinvestuok” project for investments in real estate and stock market.



Gerard is a talented architect, motivated and positive person. He is interested in sustainability architecture and reasonable consume. His sense of humour helps our team to keep up the good vibes and that help us to work smoother.




personal assistant to property owners

Marina speaks 5 languages and has international experience of studying, living and working abroad. She is reliable and efficient, dedicated to save time of busy people. She provides luxury lifestyle concierge and property management services to high-level clients in Barcelona. Working as a personal assistant, representing property owners in Barcelona, she solves all their problems and meets all their needs, that makes their life much easier.